Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in International Family & Community Studies, 2016 Clemson University, Clemson, SC Master of Arts (M.A.) in Social Entrepreneurship, 2012 Northwest University, Kirkland, WA Postgraduate Diploma (P.G.D.) in Theology and Development, 2002 University of Leeds, UK Certificate in Management for Development, 1991 Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Attorney Njoroge Kamau started working on the legal system of the housing plan that would become part of Kenya University project 2005. In 2006 – 2009 he attended the WPI U.S-Africa Business committee. He became the legal plan founder of the University Town Development Plan once started 2009 and progressed the plan to become the Kenya University Project. He is a Founder and Diaspora University Trustee.
Attorney Njoroge Kamau as founder of University, Town and Hospital continues to work on the following: