
The Town will progressively grow to reach 30,000 residents.

The approved Institution Town Development Plan in accordance with Kenya Constitution 185 (4) has the following participation of town residents in the administration of town in first 5 years and thereafter year 6 onward.

Administration and public participation provisions first 5 years

  1. In the first 5 years of development, the Institution Board of Trustees shall be the administrators of the institute town.
  2. The Board of Trustees shall hold a public meeting once every year.
  3. All persons working on site and residing on the site shall be eligible to attend the annual meeting.
  4. The meeting shall discuss all issues relating to the settlement and any provisions to be adopted by the board in order to improve on the institution and town social welfare, security and other provisions for the benefits of those living in the town.

Administration and public participation provisions Year 6 onward

  1. The administration of town in Year 6 onwards shall be per set laws.
  2. The institute board of trustees shall pass on the town administration to the residents, public security system, and public court system and town administration laws at the time.
  3. A town administration hall shall be developed and made operational by residents.
  4. A police station shall be developed and made operational by national police.
  5. A courthouse shall be developed and made operational by justice department.

The 5 years shall start when project receives the NEMA Environmental licence.

Residents Issues