Bernard A. Ayanga, Ph.D

University Co-Founder

+1 713 291 5770
Houston, TX
United States


Dr. Ayanga holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology with the highest distinction from Ohio University, Athens Ohio. He received his bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Chemistry from the University of Nairobi.

Work, Experience and Research

Dr. Ayanga has more than 10 years’ experience in academia in U.S at both the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Baylor College of Medicine both in Houston Texas.

His research is focused on understanding the molecular genetics of cancer with the goal to decipher genetic factors that play a role in the predisposition, progression and development of cancer.

His interests involve understanding the genetic alterations of a tumor and how these changes affect the interplay of families of genes that lead to the formation of that tumor.

His goal is to use this knowledge to design more targeted therapies for cancer patients.

Kenya University Project (KUP)

Dr. Ayanga joined the Kenya University Project in 2015 as a Property Developer and a University founder.

Diaspora University Plan

Dr. Ayanga is working on the following:

  • Science and Technology School.
  • Courses of Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology.
  • Advancement academic research in Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology.