Dan Kamau studied at Kenyatta University where he graduated with a BA in Economics and Business Studies.
Dan has worked in diverse Industries and executed diverse contracts in both Kenya and the U.S. He has worked in manufacturing, construction, supplies transportation, accounts, marketing, healthcare, finance and media. He has written 3 books and published one. He founded Jamhuri Magazine www.jamhurimagazine.co.ke as an online and print magazine. He has done extensive research in economic systems and constitution laws.
Dan innovated the Integrated Sustainable System of University and Town development when working with the late WPI professors, Prof. Arthur Gerstenfled & Prof. Raphael Njoroge. The system is based on jobs creation, property development and GDP growth.
Dan and the professors when using the system and WPI plan started the Kenya University Project (KUP). He aligned the system, WPI plan and Kenya constitution 2010 to create the KUP Master Development Plan (MDP).
With legal advice from Attorney Njoroge Kamau he created the THIDA system. He created the Design-Build Plan and System, the Diaspora University Medical Hospital financing sustainable system, DUT finance plan and system for establishing a financial institution and other systems and plans.
In 2017 he transitioned the Kenya University Project to become the Diaspora University Trust and Diaspora University Town project.
As Executive Trustee Dan spearheads the development of Diaspora University and Diaspora University Town as follows: