Dr. Peter Nganga

Medical Hospital, Founder

+254 745 861 447


Joseph Miano graduated at Kenya Medical Training College in Nairobi, with a Diploma in Clinical Medicine. He went to Community College of Baltimore County(USA), later joining PCT/Soaring Program at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, School of Nursing, in Maryland,USA.

Work and Experience

Joseph worked in various Hospitals in Kenya, including Kenyatta National Hospital- Nairobi,before moving to USA. In America, Joseph worked at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital, in Neuroscience Department,Brain Rescue Unit.

Joseph is currently in Kenya, progressing the Site Health Care Start- up and COVID-19 mitigating Plan ( June 2020) and working on the following Plans with the others.

Diaspora University Town (DUT)

Mr. Joseph Miano joined DUT in 2015. He is among the University Founder and Medical Hospital founders.

Diaspora University and Medical Hospital Plan

Joseph Miano continues to work on the development plans of the University and Medical hospital as follows:

  • Site Start-up and COVID-19 mitigating Plan
  • Clinics Growth
  • Food & Catering Services
  • Herbal/Traditional Medicine/ & Supplements